
Welcome to our blog, we made this to record the making of our music video for our A2 Media Studies Portfolio, our group being 13D3. The music video we will be making is for a song called 'Tonight' and our group consists of Alia Rehman, Gemma Blackman, Gurleen Dhameja and Zaynah Uddin.

Monday, 29 November 2010


For editing the website I have continued to think about my own design to make for the background. I started by making a header for this blog and for the website which I have already blogged about. Today I was looking through some photographs taken, and I decided to experiment with some of them. I began by making a general header which could possibly be used on the twitter, website or even on here. I have not perfected my skills yet, so many changes are to be made but here is an example of what I have done:

I am still not sure about what font to use on these photos, but once that decision has been made I can edit all images to have the same artist brand. The font will need to match the genre and artist, and supply the audience with positive connotations which is why it is harder to chose one font. At the moment, I have been downloading unique fonts and just experimenting with them. However, the fonts I have been experimenting with are not just random fonts, I have been choosing ones which suit our artist so that the one that is chosen will be relatively close to the genre of music. In my own eyes, the type of music suggests a curly, 'girly' and yet sophisticated font. However, when downloaded and used the fonts always look different to the preview. I think the font needs to portray an emotional artist, possibly slightly quirky, and yet have a calm effect.


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